SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cichorium endivia
THERMAL DORMANCY: Chicory seed becomes dormant above 25°C. Optimum germination temperature range is 15.5-20°C
TRANSPLANTING: Sow in flats, 4 seeds/25mm, or in 20mm plug trays, barely covering seeds with fine vermiculite, 3-4 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Shade the flats on sunny, warm days if necessary to keep the soil surface cool, below 24°C, until germination. If sowing into flats, transplant 25-50mm apart into flats, pots, or cell-type containers about 2 weeks later. Harden seedlings by reducing water and temperature for 2-3 days before planting outdoors. Properly hardened transplants can survive temperatures as low as -6°C. Transplant 20cm apart in rows 45cm apart. Transplant shallowly so that the base of the plant will be slightly above the soil to discourage bottom rot.
DIRECT SEEDING: Seeds will germinate from ambient temperatures ranging 5-29°C, the highest germination percentage will occur around 24°C, depending on the variety and seed lot. Sow seeds 25mm apart, rows 30-45cm apart. Cover seed lightly, about 3mm, and firm soil gently. Thin to 20cm apart; thinnings may be transplanted. Ensure soil is kept moist for coolness and moisture, and for uniform germination. NOTE: Radicchio grows best in cool or mild weather, i.e. autumn, winter, and spring but summer crops of some types can be successful if nights are cool 16°C
FERTILISATION: Transplant into light to moderately fertilized beds. If radicchio becomes a larger and larger part of your garden or farm, a couple nutrients to consider correcting for if deficient, are calcium (if you consistently see tip burn in the leaves) as well as boron
DAYS TO MATURITY: 80 Days to Full Maturity. Sugarloaf is not intended for overwintering.
HARVEST: Baby greens can be cut to harvest when they reach the desired size. Full leaves can be harvested with the whole head. Judge maturity by giving heads a gentle squeeze to gauge density. Harvest when they have filled out in the centres. Cut heads at their base, and leave one of the stems for regrowth. Sow seeds 6mm deep indoors and transplant after 4 weeks to a cool area with full sun exposure. If desired, blanch heads 2-3 weeks prior to harvest.