Maxi 1 | Single Cell Soil Blocker

$184.07 AUD excl gst

Create large soil blocks for seeding and transplanting

The Maxi 1 is the largest celled Soil Blocker. It produces one 10cm block, with a 50mm square indentation. This indentation is suitable for transplanting a Mini 4 or Multi 12 block, for larger plants that need that extra space to grow


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Ingenious in design, soil blockers compress the growing medium to form blocks that hold their shape. These blocks can then be seeded or transplanted into

  • Eliminates the need for plastic trays
  • Decreases likelihood of transplants becoming rootbound, as increased air flow between blocks “air prunes” roots
  • Creates healthier, more vigorous transplants due to oxygenated roots
  • Reduces transplant shock
  • Developed in conjunction with Eliot Coleman. See the Soil Blocker Instruction Manual for how-to information


  • Makes one tall block
  • Blocks measure 100mm3
  • Potting-up: Seedlings can be started in smaller blocks and transplanted into larger blocks as they grow. The Hand-held Single Block creates a 50mm3 indent for potting-up blocks made with the Mini 4 or Multi 12 block models
  • Weight: 1.1kg

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